Saturday, June 27, 2009

June 27. The new Ridgeway Fireman!

Not shown here but after the kids left this photo op, the next time I saw them was a few miles down the mountain. There was a commotion with a truck and a smoking bus and my family and instantly panic set in for me. James was running around, Rebecca was near her bike and I didn't immediately see Mike, just his rig on it's side in the road. When I got closer I saw the back of the bus now up in flames and Mike and James running back to their bikes. In my oh so calm voice, I screamed, "Rebecca and James get out of here NOW!" apparently when Rebecca and Mike arrived there was a small fire but no water. Mike had the kids gather the water bottles and he started helping put it out...but then the man opened the back up and then with the addition of oxygen...up in flames! Mike gathered his stuff and followed us down. I stopped and looked back as Mike passed me and the bus was now engulfed in flames. Emergency vehicles passed us for the remainder of our descent and we later heard that it took 3 tankers to put it out and they redirected traffic all the way around. We were lucky and Mike said if only we had been a couple minutes earlier! Rebecca, our roving reporter got some shots on her camera. Just glad no one was hurt! Very exciting though!

1 comment:

  1. Well, it sounds like the adventure is starting to live up to it's name. We look forward to an endless suppply of stories when you guys get back!
    Glad to hear everyone is safe and the blog is great!


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