Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Day 91- Aug 28

Today we climbed over Middlebury gap and through the town of Ripton
where we stopped for a break. We met Millard Cox who donated to the
ride...thank you! We also met Rob and Mike who were doing a loop ride
that included climbing the gap. It wasn't as bad as we thought it
would be and it was a beautiful fall like day. Going through Robert
Frost territory and the writing college of Middlebury College,
Breadloaf, was interesting. Great day!


  1. It was very nice meeting you guys that day. I really appreciated your family's great spirit! Keep on keeping on!


  2. It was such a pleasure meeting you all. Your cross-country efforts have inspired me to do the same! See you on the cross-country bikeways!



Where in the U.S. are the O'Donnells?

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