Saturday, June 6, 2009

Day 7 - June 5th.

Short day today due to cold, rain and fog! Thanks again Rusty! We remembered the tip you gave us if we needed help! 7 miles in today with Rebecca having waited 30 minutes for the slow pokes we made the decision that we should seek shelter. The fog lifted just enough to show a driveway across the road and I mentioned hearing a loudspeaker radio on the way up the hill. We figured there must be someone that we could ask about pitching a tent and maybe making a fire to warm up. Once again James led the charge as we approached a house, garage and barracks that were all part of the national forest fire fighters station known as Lumberyard. James went in and came out announcing we could stay! We were invited in by Fred and Brian who are 2 of the nicest young men we have ever met. We spent the day watching movies with them and sharing stories. My got a ride to get groceries and we all enjoyed a homemade meal...lasagna! I enjoyed being able to cook in a kitchen and the guys enjoyed having something that wasn't out of a box! Made an extra for another time. James asked before dinner where we were sleeping? I said maybe a tent in back or maybe they might have extra beds since not all the crew had arrived for the season. He said "maybe it will depend how good your lasagna is"....not too much pressure huh? What an outstanding day and well worth the missed day! Now we are behind 2 days but we will make it up somehow...not worried at all!

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